- the Candida syndrome is triggered by an excess of Candida fungi (see: description in the section “DID YOU KNOW” / CANDIDA - PLAGUE OF THE 21ST CENTURY)HIV, AIDS
- you cannot contract the HIV virus without becoming infected with intestinal flukes, they always appear together. Mould and Zearalenon micotoxin are helpful in the development process of the infection. Having destructed all the phases of the development process of the parasites, the virus HIV disappears during two hours. Healing AIDS depends on removing benzene from the body and preventing its further absorption.DEPRESSION, MANIC DEPRESSION
- the cause of depression lies in the cerebral infection with small Aschelminthes. As a result, the brain cannot produce a sufficient amount of neurotransmitters or keep the balance among them. Toxocara cali and Toxocara canis, Trichinella and Strongyloides. Schigella bacteria always accompany the cases of depression.SHINGLES
- the common cause of chickenpox and shingles is a Varicella Zoster virus, but there is yet another causative agent of this virus - Ascaris.HERPES
- the family of viruses triggering herpes consists of: a virus of herpes simplex (HSV) 1 and 2, Epstein-Barr virus, shingles and chickenpox (Varicella Zoster virus), Cytomegalovirus (CMV).EROSION
- the cervical erosion is usually a result of a mechanical injury, contact with chemicals or a pathogenic process, e.g. Candidal infection. It is frequently a result of another exanthema such as: blisters, pustules or spots which can be caused by bacteria or viruses transmitted sexually. (see: WOMEN’S DISEASES)ANAEMIA
- the main cause of anaemia is helminthiasis (see: HELMINTHIASIS)CANCER, TUMOUR
- these are curable diseases as they are triggered by parasites. Destroy them and you will prevent their development. The causative agent is a human intestinal fluke (Fasciolopsis buskii).PSORIARIS, ECZEMA
- the cause of this ailment is a nematode belonging to the family of Ascaridadae.Nematodes produce chemical substances which are highly sensitising and they can affect the skin condition. Animals become constantly infected with nematodes in the families where animals are kept in the houses so this disease may take on a chronic form.
- the cause is always small larvae of Ascaris situated in the brain. Moreover, along with them Bacteroides fragilis is transmitted which is big enough to hold thousands of viruses. The two common viruses accompanying Ascaris are: Coxackie B1 virus and Coxackie B4 virus.MYCOSIS, CANDIDA, CANDIDAL INFECTION, CANDIDOSIS
- the most frequently appearing among humans is Candida albicans. Each of us has some Candida albicans in the alimentary system. When the development of Candida albicans goes out of control we have a Candidal infection. It triggers a lot of ailments (see: PROGRAMME 7). Another fungus developing on the skin is Tinea, causing mycosis, e.g. perineal pruritus.THREADWORMS
- Helictotrichon (enetrobiais, oxyuriasis) is an infection with intestinal parasites called Enterobius.MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS
- these diseases are triggered by flukes which reach the brain or the spinal cord and multiply there. The next agents are Shigella and Nocardia, Clostridium tetani, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus.STAPHYLOCOCCUS
- Staphylococcus causes a lot of ailments: infections in the oral cavity, myalgia, pains in the joints, throat infections, ear infections, lung infections, ulcers, heart diseases, stiffness in the knees, skin diseases and many others.HYPERTENSION
- if the cause is a heart disease, it is triggered by the same parasites which cause heart disease (see: HEART DISEASES)MYOMA
- it is caused by the flukes which make their colonies in the womb as well as by liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) and Gardenella.PROSTATE
- all the ailments of the prostate are caused by eelworms and a liver fluke along with the accompanying bacteria and viruses which live in the prostate gland.VENEREAL DISEASES
- there are many causative agents of these ailments, e.g. Trichomonas, Campylobacter, Chlamydia, Gardenella, Candida albicans, Herpes simplex 2, Neisseria gonorrhea, Treponema pallidum and many others.TUBERCULOSIS
- it is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.GIARDIA LAMBLIA
- Giardia can be easily removed (3 minutes) by using a frequency generator.MIGRAINE, HEADACHES
- the most frequent causative agents are Strogyloides nematodes, Salmonella, Shigella, E.coli, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus.ENDOMETRIOSIS, ADENOMYOMETRITIS
- causative agents are: intestinal flukes or sheep liver fluke inhabiting the womb. When they pave the way to the womb many other parasites follow them: eelworms, liver flukes, Eurytrema. In the place where there are big parasites soon small parasites appear. All parasites bring bacteria and viruses. Gardenella always accompany Adenomyometritis.ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE
- Alzheimer’s disease is caused by the flukes coming from the undercooked meat and our lovely animals. They develop in the brain. Bacteria such as Shigella settle there as well. We can also find Claviceps purpurea which has significant psychogenic influence.ASTHMA
- in all cases of asthma we can observe an infection with larvae of eelworms situated in the lungs. Bacteroides fragilis and virus Coxsackie accompany the larvae of eelworms. Other parasites living in the lungs are: Naegleria, Endolimax, intestinal flukes, Chilomastix, Capilaria and many others.ALLERGY
- it has been discovered that all allergy sufferers have been invaded with sheep liver fluke living in the bile ducts. To get rid of allergy effectively and permanently, it is necessary to remove stones in the liver and kidney stones, to avoid mould and salmonella. Milder types of allergy are usually triggered by human liver fluke (Clonorchis sinensin).DIARRHOEA
- it is a symptom of the serious invasion in the intestines. This can be caused by Bacterium coli, Salmonella, Shigella, liver fluke, pancreatic fluke, amoeba, fungi, eelworms, threadworms, intestinal flukes, Chilomastix, Capilaria and many others.CYST
- cysts can be caused by big parsites, e.g flukes, Gardenella as well as diseases such as gonorrhoea and syphilis. Ovarian cyst may trigger many kinds of contamination. If we remove parasites and cease feeding contamination into the organism, the cyst will be absorbed.INSOMNIA
- insomnia is always connected with the serious invasion of parasites and bacteria. It is caused by the products of their metabolism - mainly ammonia (accumulated in the brain). To restore healthy sleep it is necessary to treat helminthiasis.HEART DISEASES, CORONARY HEART DISEASE
- the most frequent causative agent is a parasite living in the dog’s heart Dirofilaria and Loa loa as well as Cytomegalovirus.WOMEN’S DISEASES
- the ailments of the sex organs are caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites of the urogenital system such as: Neisseria gonorrhoea, Herpes simplex, Gardenella vaginalis, Candida albicans, Proteus vulgaris, Trichomonas vaginalis, Chlamydia and many others.AMOEBA
- there are many kinds of amoeba capable of living in the human body, e.g Endoamoeba gingivalis, Endolimax nana, Entamoeba and many others. All of them can be destroyed by using a frequency generator.RHEUMATISM, ARTHRITIS, POLYARTHRITIS
- in the case of osteitis and arthritis there are always bacteria which remain in the concretion and attack the joints. In the case of rheumatism bacteria come from the parasites whose germs live in these joints. These are small nemathelminthes, roundworms, Ankylostoma, nematodes and trichina (Trichinella spiralis).PAPILLA
- the causative agents are bacteria which develop in the presence of parasites such as: threadworms, tapeworms, roundworms and flukes.INFLUENZA
- the virus triggering the flu is influenza. Many cases of the flu are caused by Salmonella and Shigella bacteria.NOISE IN THE EARS, EARACHES
- they are caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, other Staphylococci and Streptococci. To get rid of these ailments permanently it is necessary to eliminate aspirin and other salicylates which are the medium for these bacteria.INFLAMMATION
- it is triggered by many different parasites along with accompanying bacteria which are responsible for pain syndromes.CLIMACTERUM, MENOPAUSE
- the symptoms of menopause are not the natural condition, they are certainly caused by hormonal disorders and the latter are not normal. The causative agents are: microbes, e.g Proteus, Salmonella, Neisseria, Treponema, Chlamydia, Gardenella, Campylobacter, etc.CHRONIC TIREDNESS
- it is triggered by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), however, it is always accompanied by big parasites such as flukes. Chronic tiredness can also be caused by Candida.HELMINTHIASIS
- the disease caused by the parasites living in the intestines such as: tapeworms, roundworms, Ankylostoma, whipworms (Trichocephalus trichiurus), threadworms, trichina, protozoa.THRUSH
- it is triggered by Candida albicans.DIABETES
- in the pancreas of all the people suffering from diabetes there are flukes of the genus Eurytrema (e.g Eurytrema pancreaticum).ACNE
- the causative agents are: nematodes, roundworms and bacteria feeding on the products of the sebaceous glands. Another causative agent is Trichinella. To get rid of the acne permanently it is necessary to cleanse organs and blood of pathogens (in order to avoid infections).SCABIES
- it is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei. It is a carrier of adenovirus (a common cold virus).NOCTURNAL ENURESIS, URINARY INCONTINENCE
- the problem is solved with destroying bacteria which weaken the ligaments and killing Schistoma, roundworms and other parasites carrying bacteria.DECREASED IMMUNE
- there are many causes, one of them is Candida and all kinds of parasites which are the carriers of bacteria and viruses.Your basket is empty
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