Legal note

This legal note constitutes legal regulations in the scope of using information included in Digital Clark's Zapper, Zapper U8p and Digital Silver Pulser manuals and on the internet website

The authors of the manual and of the internet website have made all efforts to ensure that the information included in the manual and on the abovementioned website is accurate and in conformity to the present state of scientific, or specifically medical knowledge.

Intellectual property

Digital Clark's Zapper, Zapper U8p or Digital Silver Pulser devices, sold by the Alternative Medicine Centre, presented, among others, on the internet website are designed and constructed on the basis of experience and according to instructions of Merlin Alternative Medicine Centre, as far as the construction idea and present appearance area concerned, however, in respect to their functionality they are constructed in accordance with instructions of their inventors. It refers to, in particular, a unique as of today solution applied in Digital Clark's Zapper, namely a connection of a generator, programmer and zapper in one miniaturized case. The module of 15 step programmer as a whole is a patent of Merlin Alternative Medicine Centre and the method of assigning frequencies generated by the 15 step programmes, as well as the programme controlling the whole Digital Clark's Zapper device constitute intellectual property of Merlin Alternative Medicine Centre. According to the above, all forms of copying, modification, improvement or the use of the programme or the present appearance of the devices for other person's own or commercial production purposes or applications is prohibited.

Any form of multiplication, including copying, usage or other public distribution of the abovementioned materials requires a written permission under the pain of nullity, except from non-commercial personal use. Trade marks, names of products and devices including the name Digital Clark's Zapper or other marks included in the manual, including Merlin Alternative Medicine Centre, or the marks on the internet website, are registered trademarks subject to legal protection according to regulations specified in the law of June 30, 2000 law on industrial property (Journal of Laws No 49 item 508 as amended).

General rules for the use of information

The content of the materials included on the internet website or in the manual are of informative nature and cannot be treated as a form of consultation. The use and application of the agents, medical products or devices, including Digital Clark's Zapper and Digital Silver Pulser or other means requires a prior doctor consultation, and the doctor is responsible for final decision on the way and the scope of the therapy applied. Regardless of the above, the use and application of the agents, medical products or devices, including Digital Clark's Zapper, Zapper U8p and Digital Silver Pulser or other means requires taking prior cognizance of the content of the manual and, possibly, the leaflet included to each of the agents and device. The content of such materials is superior to all information included herein.

Merlin Alternative Medicine Centre reserves the right to change and amend the information included on the website or in the manual at all times and in any scope without giving users any prior information.


Merlin Alternative Medicine Centre, as a business entity or its employees individually or collectively shall not be held liable for any information included in this manual or on the internet website or in the information leaflets without a written permission, or for the use or purchase and the use of agents or devices, including Digital Clark's Zapper , Zapper U8p, and Digital Silver Pulser, and consequently, will not be liable for any direct or indirect claims against it. By purchasing the abovementioned agent or device, the client decides automatically to take all potential (and not included herein) consequences resulting from the intake of the agent or the use of the device or the application of a given therapy. Such activities shall be the sole responsibility of the client.

This manual and the information included on the website and the above mentioned devices or agents are of educational, and not consultative - therapeutic nature. The authors made all efforts to ensure the information included in this manual or on the website were accurately presented. However, any use or application of the agents, medicines and means listed in this manual and the devices, including Digital Clark's Zapper, Zapper U8p and Digital Silver Pulser can take place only after prior doctor consultation and familiarization with information included to each agent, medicine or device.

The authors and publishers of the internet website or the manual cannot be held liable for any mistakes or any consequences resulting from the application of the information included in such publications or resulting from the use of the abovementioned devices.

Merlin Alternative Medicine Centre
41-250 Czeladz ul. Reymonta 68

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