Take a candida test!
Part one
1. Have you ever taken tetracycline or other antibiotics for acne for a month or more? 35 points
2. Have you at any time in your life taken "broad spectrum" antibiotics for respiratory, urinary or other infections (for 2 months or longer, or in shorter courses 4 or more times in a year?) 35 points
3. If you have taken a single course of antibiotics 6 points
4. Have you, at any time in your life, been bothered by persistent prostatitis, vaginitis or other problems affecting reproductive organs? 25 points
5. Are you worried about your problems with memory and concentration? 20 points
6. Do you feel all your body is ill but you are discouraged from visiting doctors as they haven't found the causes of your problems? 20 points
7. Have you been pregnant 2 or more times? 5 points , only once? 3 points
8. Have you been taking oral contraceptives for longer than 2 years? 15 points; up to 2 years? 8 points
9. Do you take steroids orally, by injection, inhalation more often than once every two weeks? 15 p. less often than once every two weeks? 6 points
10. Are you exposed to perfumes, insecticides, fabric shop odours and other chemicals which provoke in your case severe ailments and symptoms? 15 p. mild symptoms? 6 punktów
11. Are you worried because of smoking? 10 points
12 Do you feel bad in high humidity, on muggy days or in mouldy places? 20 points
13. Do you have fungous infections of the skin or nails? 20 points
14. Do you use refined white sugar in your diet? 10 points
Sum-up your points.
Part two - major symptoms:
If a symptom is occasional or mild, give 3 points. J If a symptom is more frequent and is more (moderately) severe, give 6 points If a symptom is severe or disabling give 9 points.
1. Fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness
2. Feeling of being deprived of vital forces, "drained".
3. Bad mood
4. Do you feel numbness, burning , piercing or tingling
5. Headaches.
6. Muscle pains.
7. Muscle weakness or paralysis
8. Painful joints, swells.
9. Unidentified stomach aches.
10. Constipation or diarrhoea
11. Bloating, fluctuation of bowel gases
12. Vaginal disorders: itching, burning.
13. Prostatitis
14. Unwillingness to have sexual intercourse.
15. Impotence.
16. Endometriosis or infertility.
17. Cramps or other menstruation disorders.
18. Premenstrual tension.
19. Bounces of fear and tearfulness.
20. Cold hands and feet, lowered temperature below 36.6.
21. Shivering while angry or hungry.
Sum-up your points.
At the end of this part add up all the points from this part to your total score.
Part three
If a symptom is occasional or mild, 3 points. If a symptom is more frequent and is more (moderately) severe, 6 points J If a symptom is severe or disabling give 9 points.
1. Drowsiness.
2. Irritability.
3. Coordination distortions.
4. Sleeplessness, sleep disorders.
5. Frequent mood swings.
6. Dizziness, loss of balance.
7. Pressure above ears, feeling of head swelling.
8. Problem with sinuses (maxillary, frontal).
9. Tendency for bruising easily.
10. Eczema, itchy eyes.
11. Psoriasis.
12. Nettle rush.
13. Indigestion, heartburn.
14. Hypersensitivity and intolerance to milk, gluten, wheat, rye or other grain.
15. Mucous in stool.
16. Anus itching.
17. Dry mouth and throat.
18. Chapped lips and white tongue.
19. Shallow breath, breathlessness.
20. Unpleasant smell of feet, hair and body despite frequent washing.
21. Feeling of permanent nose congestion and nasal discharge.
22. Nose itching.
23. Sore throat.
24. Irritation of larynx, voice deterioration.
25. Dry, non-productive cough.
26. Stiffness or tightness in chest
27. Short breath, wheezing.
28. Sudden, frequent urination.
29. Burning and itching of the urinary tract.
30. Dark spots blurring vision.
31. Burning and watery eyes.
Sum-up your points.
When you add up the points from all three parts, you will see if CANDIDA syndrome is your problem. It will help you and your doctor decide if your health problems are related to Candida.
Your health problems are related to Candida if the total score for women is higher than 180 points and for men higher than 140 points.
Your health problems are very likely to be related to Candida if the total score for women is higher than 120 points and for men higher than 90 points.
Your health problems might be related to Candida if the total score for women is higher than 60 points and for men higher than 40 points.
Your health problems aren't related to Candida if the total score for women is higher than 60 points and for men higher than 40 points.
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